Adult Diploma Program
(Independent Study)
Fact Sheet
The Adult Diploma Program is a program of Independent Study where a student can do up to 75% of their work outside of the traditional classroom, whether it be in the community, library or at home. A minimum of 25% of the State required hours per credit must be with one of our certified educational instructors. A student may put in more time with the instructor but not less.
Credit Requirements (Minimum):
1/4 credit = 13 hours with an instructor + 32 hours independent study (45 hours total)
1/2 credit = 25 hours with an instructor + 60 hours independent study (85 hours total)
3/4 credit = 38 hours with an instructor + 90 hours independent study (130 hours total)
1.0 credit = 50 hours with an instructor + 120 hours independent study (170 hours total)
There are no “excused” absences. Every student will need to make up their hours they miss due to vacations, illness, transportation problems, etc. If you must miss an appointment with an instructor, you must call and explain your absence and indicate when you plan to make up those hours. Attendance will be taken when you meet with instructors. After three (3) weeks with no attendance, students will be dropped from the program and loose all credit hours earned. CREDIT WILL NOT BE GRANTED IF YOU DON’T MEET THE ATTENDANCE POLICY!!!
Program Requirements:
You must be at least 16 years of age.
You must have a referral from your school (those still enrolled in high school) or a transcript from your high school (those who are not enrolled in any high school.)
If you are between the ages of 16 - 21 years of age, you must meet one of the following criteria to be eligible for the program:
Your are at least one year behind in obtaining credits for graduation.
You are pregnant or a parent.
You have been excluded or expelled from a traditional school system.
You have experienced mental health problems.
You have been assessed as chemically dependent.
You are a victim of physical or sexual abuse.
You have experienced homelessness in the past six months.
You speak English as a Second Language or have limited English proficiency.
Your high school principal is referring you for another reason.
If you are under 18 years of age, you must have a parent or guardian’s signature on the referral form.
When credit is earned, the school granting the diploma will be notified of credit completion.
If you are interested in this program, have a strong ability to work independently, and feel that you meet one of the criteria listed above, please call (507)665-4626, Nate Warden, Program Coordinator, for more information about the program.
Remember: You must be at least 16 years old to participate in this program. If you are still enrolled in high school, you will need a referral form from your school. If you are not enrolled in school, or over 21, you will need a copy of your school transcript.